Sicilian Region Competitions: 106 officials hired, but 40 decline job

This morning (April 29), 106 new officials hired by the Sicilian Region signed the contract with the expiration of the rankings of the competitions announced in 2022 for generational turnover. In the headquarters of the Public Function department, in Palermo, the President of the Region Renato Schifani welcomed the new employees, who will start working on June 3, once the contract registration procedures are completed.

Schifani thanked the staff of the Public Function department for speeding up bureaucratic processes. Also present were the councilor Andrea Messina and the general manager of the department Carmen Madonia.

The expiration of the rankings approved between August and October 2022 for 216 positions was necessary to partially fill the staff shortages in various roles in the regional administration. Those eligible who had submitted the necessary documentation for hiring within the deadlines and who had been called to sign the contracts were 146. Today, 7 lawyers (out of 11 available positions) signed the contract; 13 agronomists out of 17; 39 administrative officers (out of 107); 8 IT specialists (out of 25) and 39 engineers (out of 56). 7 workers from protected categories were also hired. 40, on the other hand, did not show up for the appointment or renounced at the time of signing.

A new expiration of the rankings will be carried out after the approval of the Region’s final account for the completion of the remaining 110 appointments.

Concorsi della Regione Siciliana: assunti 106 funzionari, ma 40 rinunciano al posto di lavoro

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