Sicilian reclamation consortia need reform, Filbi and Uila launch signature collection

The Sicilian reclamation consortia need a fair and effective reform. The general secretaries of Filbi-Uila and Filbi-Uila Sicilia have decided to launch a petition to change the proposed regional law and truly relaunch the consortia. They aim to strengthen the activity of the Sicilian consortia, addressing issues such as payment of salaries, staff requalification, and stabilization of temporary workers. They are urging the region to start a turnover, stabilize temporary workers, requalify employees, ensure seamless transition of all workers to the new consortia, provide adequate funding, and protect job guarantees. The consortia are crucial for the Sicilian agricultural system, and the focus is on valuing the almost 1800 employees, half of whom are on temporary contracts. They reject any loss of acquired rights in the transition to the new consortia, as workers are not responsible for the consortia’s issues and have already paid enough for others’ mistakes.

I Consorzi siciliani di bonifica hanno bisogno di una riforma, Filbi e Uila lanciano una raccolta firma

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