Sicilian mountain areas association opposes emergency intervention at Petralia Sottana hospital

The future of the Madonna dell’Alto hospital and the essential levels of care in the Madonie region is being discussed, with Vincenzo Lapunzina, president of the Association of Mountain Free Zones of Sicily, responding to President Renato Schifani’s announcement about the intervention of the Giglio hospital in Cefalù to assist the Madonite facility. Lapunzina emphasizes the need to focus on revitalizing the entire structure to accommodate a regional rehabilitation center for cardiology, pulmonology, and neurology. He also suggests that professionals working in Petralia should be chosen based on the area’s brand, rather than just for high salaries with short-term impact. He urges President Schifani to consider their proposal as a way to create hope for the Madonie area, which would have a positive impact on the economy and job creation.

L’associazione delle zone montane siciliane: «No a un intervento di pronto soccorso per l’ospedale di Petralia Sottana»

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