Seven suspects in Catania placed under precautionary measure for illegal waste trafficking.

The article explains the discovery of a fraudulent system for illegally disposing of waste involving several employees of the company that manages the Environmental Hygiene service related to the “centro” area of the Municipality of Catania. Military personnel conducted a coordinated investigation and implemented precautionary measures, including house arrest and a ban on practicing the activity, against seven individuals suspected of organized waste trafficking, fraud, and falsification committed by public employees entrusted with a service. The investigation stemmed from a report filed in 2022 by the company managing the Environmental Hygiene service, highlighting the misconduct of some employees who allegedly handled waste of dubious origin and disposed of it in a landfill using the company’s vehicles without authorization. The operation, named Calliope, revealed the involvement of the owner of an area used for illegal waste storage and movement in Catania, as well as some entrepreneurs, including the legal representative of a company in Priolo Gargallo. The entrepreneurs allegedly saved money due to the improper waste disposal and compensated the other suspects. Precautionary measures included house arrest for the site owner and five employees, with two of them restricted from leaving their homes from 8 pm to 8 am and obligated to report to the judicial police. Additionally, the legal representative of the Priolo Gargallo company was temporarily banned from engaging in business activities for a year.

Traffico illecito di rifiuti, a Catania misura cautelare per sette indagati

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