Sequester 6 more Siremar ships, transportation to Sicilian islands disrupted

The Italian financial police, La Guardia di Finanza, have seized an additional 6 ships belonging to Siremar. The news was confirmed by the mayor of Lipari, Riccardo Gullo, who expressed concern over the deteriorating state of public transportation services since they were privatized. Earlier, 3 other ferries were seized due to non-compliance with accessibility regulations. With the busy summer season approaching, this situation poses a serious economic threat to the Sicilian islands. The mayor of Pantelleria has written to the local prefect expressing concern, while an engineer and hotelier from the Aeolian Islands emphasized the need for immediate action to ensure continuity of services.

Sequestrate altre 6 navi della Siremar, in tilt i trasporti per le isole siciliane

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