Scicli pub closed for 7 days: breaches public safety rules

The police chief of Ragusa, Vincenzo Trombadore, has suspended the license of a coastal establishment in Scicli for 7 days. The measure was taken after a joint inspection by law enforcement agencies, with the aim of preventing disorderly conduct and ensuring public order and safety. The owner of the establishment had violated several regulations, including using an area of the venue as a dance floor without proper authorization, operating beyond the allowed hours, and lacking appropriate crowd control systems. The suspension was enforced by the local police, who also issued administrative fines to the owner. In a separate incident in Modica, police discovered an unlicensed dance event at a commercial establishment and issued a warning to the organizer to cease the event. The establishment owner complied with the directive.

Scicli, violate le norme di pubblica sicurezza: pub chiuso per 7 giorni

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