Santocielo: Ficarra e Picone’s new film breaks stereotypes – “Love without barriers”

“Santocielo” is the latest film by the popular Italian comedy duo, Ficarra and Picone. The film challenges stereotypes and addresses relevant issues with grace and simplicity, redirecting public debate to foundational values often lost in televised discussions. The movie touches on themes such as religion, the perspective of the elderly, and the values of empathy and altruism, as well as the role of women. The story revolves around the decision of God, played by Giovanni Storti, on whether to give humanity a second chance. The film also humorously portrays a man named Nicola, played by Ficarra, who becomes pregnant with the new Messiah, due to the actions of an angel named Aristide, played by Picone. The duo stated that the film is filled with entertainment, family, and the opportunity to reflect on and address themes like diversity, inclusion, and love without barriers. They stated that the theme of religion is important, as it is full of values and significant meanings that should be discussed. The film was presented in their hometown of Palermo, Italy, and the duo emphasized the importance of these themes in the film and their enjoyment in addressing them through their work.

Santocielo, il nuovo film di Ficarra e Picone ribalta gli stereotipi: «L’amore senza troppi steccati»

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