San Vincenzo Parish in Palermo launches fundraising for children’s gifts

Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year and should be a special time for everyone. That’s why Father Calogero Di Fiore and volunteers from his parish, San Vincenzo de Paoli, have started a fundraiser to give each child in the neighborhood a gift under the tree. Until December 17th, the Christmas Challenge 3 is underway, organized by the church for the third consecutive year. “This Christmas there are 52 children,” says Father Calogero Di Fiore, “and each of them deserves to experience a magical moment. We ask for help in making them happy.” Those who want to participate in the fundraiser can make a donation by bank transfer or visit the toy store Giocheria to contribute to the “Suspended Toy” initiative. This project allows people to purchase a toy for a child from a family in need.

La parrocchia San Vincenzo di Palermo lancia una raccolta fondi per i doni ai bambini

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