Rolex, unpaid work, and bribes: corruption behind construction sites for hydrogeological disaster prevention in Messina

The article reveals a corrupt system surrounding construction sites for the hydrogeological risk in Messina. Three precautionary measures were executed against the finance officers in Messina for corruptive activities related to the awarding and execution of contracts for the environmental requalification and hygienic reclamation of the Cataratti-Bisconte stream in Messina. The investigation uncovered bribery and illegal influences involving the construction company and public officials. The article also describes how benefits and bribes were provided to officials in exchange for favorable treatment in the construction project. Additionally, it mentions fraudulent activities such as the “pole scam” and the improper disposal of waste from the construction site. Seizures were also made to recover profits from these illegal activities.

Rolex, lavori gratis e mazzette: giro di corruzione dietro ai cantieri contro il dissesto idrogeologico nel Messinese

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