Roccalumera mourns Simona Sturiale, who dies at 27 after surgery

The whole community of Roccalumera is in mourning for the death of Simona Sturiale, a twenty-seven-year-old girl who passed away at the Policlinico of Messina. The young woman had been hospitalized and then underwent a delicate surgical procedure, but complications arose that did not leave her any chance. Doctors then initiated the procedure to determine brain death and, despite the immense pain of the loss, the family decided to consent to organ donation, for the donation. An act of altruism and solidarity that will allow saving the lives of other people. Those who knew Simona describe her as a girl with a sunny disposition and always ready to help others. She loved to spend her free time with friends and had a great passion for photography.
“Your dreams and projects have faded too soon – writes friend Giovanna -. dear Simona, no one here will ever forget you, you will always remain in our hearts.” In these hours, the messages on social media for the twenty-seven-year-old are numerous. “Sweet Simona – they write – your eyes and your smile are unforgettable. Here in Roccalumera it is a day of pain and sadness, we are all incredulous and extremely broken. We are close to the family.” In the afternoon, the final farewell to the girl: the funeral will be celebrated in the church of Santa Maria della Catena.

Muore a 27 anni dopo un intervento, Roccalumera in lacrime per Simona Sturiale

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