Retired Prefect Cucinotta urges Palermitans to embrace civic engagement

In recent years, Palermo has significantly improved, but there is still a long way to go to rid the city of its deep-rooted problems. Maria Teresa Cucinotta, the prefect of Palermo, will retire after eleven months in office. She reflects on her time as a prefect and the importance of civic engagement and community involvement. Palermo has been a hub in the fight against organized crime, and while significant progress has been made, the mafia continues to try to reorganize and adapt. The lack of job opportunities remains a major issue, with unemployment contributing to the presence of criminal activity. Collaboration between institutions is necessary to create employment and address social issues. The youth in Palermo face challenges such as violence, crime, and substance abuse, which require a collective effort from institutions and families to provide support and guidance. Education, values, and a strong economy are crucial in building a better city.

Va in pensione il prefetto Cucinotta: «Invito ogni palermitano a vivere con maggiore impegno civile»

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