Rescued lost dolphin saved on Filicudi Island (VIDEO)

A small dolphin was rescued in the Aeolian Islands. “The sea – says the Aeolian biologist Monica Blasi, president of the association Filicudiconservation – gave us one of the most intense and exciting experiences of our working journey. The rescue of a dolphin, a female Stenella, in serious difficulty inside a port area just a few meters from the coast. With the remote support of Cert – Cetacean strandings Emergency Response Team and colleagues from the Life Delfi project, we decided to try to get her out of the port and attempt to move her away from the coast. With the help of some workers from the area, we rescued the dolphin on our boat and then released her into the open sea, hoping she would take to the sea, as she apparently had no serious injuries or other visible problems except for some abrasions she had suffered on the rocks.”

“Everything – she explains – happened very quickly also because Stenella dolphins are among the cetacean species most prone to stress-related diseases and therefore their manipulation can be fatal. We monitored the dolphin for over three hours trying to push her out towards the open sea until weather conditions allowed. Then the strong mistral wind made us lose track of her and we returned to Filicudi. We hope the dolphin manages to find her companions, although unfortunately when a dolphin beaches itself it is a sign of some significant problem that is difficult to solve even for the most experienced veterinarians. We keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.” And she makes an appeal: “For those who sail in the Aeolian Islands, pay attention to speed and keep an extra eye on the sea in these days. You can contact us at 349 4402021 for any sighting or emergency day and night!”

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Un piccolo delfino smarrito salvato a Filicudi IL VIDEO

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