Renzo Barbera: Turnstiles for Palermo subscribers only. Entry for loyal fans specified.

New for Palermo fans, at least for the most loyal ones. From the next match, Palermo-Venice, season ticket holders will have reserved access to enter the Renzo Barbera stadium. The Rosanero club has communicated that from the next games, dedicated turnstiles will be activated exclusively for season ticket holders.

In the Como match there had already been the novelty of optical readers in the turnstiles, now the decision to dedicate some specifically for season ticket holders, who enter the stadium with their card. In this way, they try to speed up the procedures and organize the entrances, which are often the scene of long queues and pushing, especially when the influx of fans is greater.

Dedicated turnstiles
As for season ticket holders in the North Curve, the dedicated turnstiles are 11 and 14; in the South Curve 5 and 6; in the covered stand 9 and in the stands 18 and 19. In addition, fans entering some sectors of the stadium may notice some changes to the look. The Rosanero club is completing urgent work on the sports facility, but also making small embellishments.

Renzo Barbera, tornelli riservati agli abbonati del Palermo: ecco da dove dovranno entrare i fedelissimi

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