Regional forestry competition, acts will be sent to the Prosecution and Court of Auditors: here is the report.

The inspectors’ report, which led President Schifani to cancel the competition for 46 forest rangers, will be sent to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of Auditors. The work carried out by the Secretary General of Palazzo d’Orleans, Maria Mattarella, and the Attorney General, Giovanni Bologna, highlighted irregularities in the composition of the commission that examined the candidates’ papers and prepared the quiz questions for the first test. The report also revealed that the former director general of the Forestry Corps, Giovanni Salerno, played a role in the competition despite the conflict of interest due to his son’s participation. This led to controversies and investigations, resulting in the cancellation of the competition. The report also highlighted several flaws in the procedure for transmitting the exam questions, raising concerns about the potential loss of the 800,000 euros already spent. The risk now is that the new competition may not take place until the second half of 2024.

Concorso forestali, la Regione invierà gli atti alla Procura e alla Corte dei Conti: ecco la relazione

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