Re-examination cancels arrests for Salvatore and Andrea Angelo in Mafia of Salemi

The Palermo Court of Appeal has overturned the custody orders that led to the arrests of Salvatore and Andrea Angelo, father and son, from Salemi, in an investigation conducted by the Carabinieri of Trapani and coordinated by the Palermo District Anti-Mafia Directorate. Eleven (six in prison and five on house arrest) were the arrests ordered by the Palermo judge for alleged mafia members and businessmen in the Palermo-Salemi area. Salvatore Angelo was placed on house arrest, while his son Andrea was imprisoned. Now, the Palermo Court of Appeal has granted the freedom request submitted by lawyer Giuseppe Ferro from Gibellina. The crimes charged by the Dda to the eleven suspects include mafia association, corruption, bid rigging, fraudulent transfer of assets, fencing, and self-laundering. In the past, Salvatore Angelo, 75, has been considered one of the entrepreneurs close to Matteo Messina Denaro and after a previous arrest and conviction for mafia, his assets, including some construction and winemaking companies, were confiscated. According to investigators, Salvatore Angelo, released from prison in 2019, resumed his role in serving Cosa Nostra after regaining his freedom.

Mafia di Salemi, il Riesame annulla gli arresti per Salvatore e Andrea Angelo

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