Ravanusa: Neighbors’ quarrel leaves husband and wife injured with axe and knife

Tragedy averted in Ravanusa. A couple, aged 66 and 62, was attacked by their neighbor and injured. According to initial reports, a dispute erupted over neighborhood issues. Tensions between the couple and the man had occurred in the past, but had never escalated to this extent. The aggressor allegedly attacked the couple with an axe and a folding knife. The two were injured in the assault.

An ambulance arrived at the scene of the attack. The couple was transferred to Barone Lombardo hospital in Canicattì. Doctors found lacerations that were deemed healable within 15 and 8 days.

Police officers arrived and found the man still holding the weapons. He was immediately apprehended and arrested for attempted murder. The man, aged 68, was taken to the Pasquale di Lorenzo prison in Agrigento. The carabinieri of the Ravanusa station seized the weapons.

Ravanusa, scoppia una lite tra vicini: coniugi feriti con un’ascia e un coltello

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