Rape victim on a ship: students from Messina and Milazzo stranded in Genoa

A group of students from the Guttuso Institute in Milazzo were stranded on a cruise ship in the port of Genoa until yesterday due to an alleged rape case. The cruise ship, Msc Seaside, which has since resumed navigation, was supposed to depart yesterday but was stopped by the police due to a case of violence against a Roman girl by four young men who boarded the ship in Marseille. The investigators have seized footage from onboard cameras and have already questioned several witnesses.

The four attackers have reportedly been identified by the ship’s police personnel and handed over to the border police in Genoa. The cruisers, including students from Milazzo and Messina’s Basile Institute, will return home tomorrow. The news was confirmed by the school principal, Delfina Guidaldi, responsible for the Guttuso Institute.

Ragazza stuprata su una nave: studenti di Messina e Milazzo rimangono bloccati a Genova

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