Raffadali: Father who killed abusive son gets sentence reduced by half to 9 years

Gaetano Rampello, a 59-year-old police officer, had his sentence reduced from 21 years to 9 years and 4 months for the confession of killing his 24-year-old son. The court of appeal in Palermo accepted a legal challenge regarding the calculation of the sentence, taking into account mitigating and aggravating factors. Rampello admitted to shooting his son 14 times in self-defense, as his son had been violent and extorting money from him due to mental health issues. The court considered both mitigating and aggravating factors, ultimately reducing his sentence. The court has requested further examination of the case, as similar constitutional issues have been raised.

Raffadali, uccise il figlio che lo maltrattava: pena più che dimezzata, da 21 a 9 anni

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