Radio Italia’s big concert in Palermo, agreement for two more years

The Radio Italia concert will return to Palermo. Mayor Roberto Lagalla announced this: “After the great success of last year, I thank Radio Italia and its president Mario Volanti with whom, even in the last months, a constructive spirit of collaboration has been renewed. This will be a special year for Palermo and we will give space to the many cultural initiatives and shows related to the celebrations of the Four Hundredth anniversary of Santa Rosalia. The Palermitans – said the mayor – will still be able to enjoy a summer season full of concerts. First of all, Annalisa, winner of the ‘Global Force’ at the Billboard Women in Music Awards in Los Angeles, and then Il Volo, Calcutta, Mahmood, Fiorella Mannoia are just some of the singers who will animate the spaces renewed by the administration like the theater of Verdura, the velodrome and the cultural sites of Zisa.”

Mario Volanti, publisher and president of Radio Italia, also expressed the desire to bring back the event to the Sicilian capital: “Palermo is in our hearts and in our emotional memories, and we will certainly return very willingly with Radio Italia Live – Il concerto at the Foro Italico in this wonderful city.”

The past June 30th was a great success at the Foro Italico. Over one hundred thousand attendees and a crazy crowd for the singers who performed on stage, from Ligabue and Max Pezzali, to Rocco Hunt and Marracash, and also Emma, Paola&Chiara, Levante, Boomdabash, Rkomi, Sangiovanni, Diodato, Irama, Mr. Rain, and Blanco.

Il concertone di Radio Italia di nuovo a Palermo, trovato l’accordo per altri due anni

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