Protest flares up from Termini Imerese to Modica: farmers angry

A protest of farmers and truck drivers started from the service area of Termini Imerese and traveled along the SS113 to Cefalù. Farmers are protesting against the increase in the prices of raw materials and diesel fuel, which are not accompanied by support measures for their work and an increase in selling prices. The protests of the farmers of the movement “Sicily Raises Its Voice” are taking place with tractors in various areas of Sicily. In Ragusa province, there is no recognized national leadership of the protest. Farmers and breeders are disappointed with the regional institutions, the central government, and the European Community, and do not recognize any self-proclaimed national or regional leaders in the current tractor protest. They believe it is futile and even harmful to negotiate with those who have betrayed them in the past.

Da Termini Imerese a Modica: si infiamma la protesta dei trattori

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