Promotion of Sicilian wines abroad: Region offers funding opportunity

The Sicilian Region, through the Department of Agriculture, has published a call for funding for projects promoting wines in third countries for the 2024-2025 campaign. The aim is to improve the competitiveness of the wine sector and expand, diversify, or consolidate companies’ presence in markets. The deadline for submitting projects is open for the Sicily quota, with a European financial allocation of 7 million euros, of which 6.7 million for regional promotion projects and 300,000 euros for multiregional projects. The assistance from European resources cannot exceed 50% of the expenses incurred for carrying out activities, and the contribution for each project cannot exceed 3 million euros.

Applications for funding for the 2024-2025 campaign must be submitted by Wednesday, July 3 at 12:00 to the Department of Agriculture, otherwise they will be excluded. All information, details, and application procedures are available on the Sicilian Region’s institutional portal.

Promozione dei vini siciliani all’estero: c’è un bando della Regione

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