Pozzallo prepares for final farewell to Joe Barone: wake and funeral, then flight to USA

The article talks about the funeral arrangements for Joe Barone, the Fiorentina sporting director who passed away from a heart attack. His body will be brought to Sicily, where a wake will be held in Pozzallo on Friday. The article also mentions that the Fiorentina president, Rocco Commisso, will be in attendance. After the funeral, Barone’s body will be taken to America for a funeral and burial. Commisso also announced that the Viola Park will be dedicated to Barone and a tournament will be created in his honor. The article also provides background information on Barone’s life and career, highlighting his close relationship with Commisso and his important role at Fiorentina.

Pozzallo si prepara per l’ultimo saluto a Joe Barone: camera ardente e messa, poi il volo verso gli Usa

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