Polizzi Generosa, Lo Verde replaces Potestio on city council


The article talks about a change in the city council of Polizzi Generosa, with Isabella Potestio leaving her position and being replaced by Gandolfo Lo Verde, a music teacher born in 1992. Lo Verde, who had previously been a councilor 4 years ago, expressed his gratitude to Potestio and his commitment to fulfilling his new role. Potestio, in her resignation letter, highlighted the importance of internal dialogue and democracy within the council.

Lo Verde, now a parliamentary collaborator, mentioned his responsibility towards the voters who trusted him and pledged to work diligently in his new position. He emphasized his intention to fulfill his role in the opposition with attentiveness and constructiveness.

Polizzi Generosa, Lo Verde subentra a Potestio in consiglio comunale

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