Police seize illegal dump in chic Panarea, Eolian Island.

In the small island of the Aeolian Islands, the carabinieri discovered and seized an illegal dump and reported the owner of the area. The accusation is unauthorized waste management activity. Following a planned service, carried out with the help of ARPA technicians, the military of the Armed Forces ascertained that the suspect, on a land of his property of about 500 square meters, had deposited hazardous and non-hazardous waste, including numerous exhausted batteries, scooter carcasses, deteriorated tires, ferrous material and various scraps, cans with residues of oily material spilled on the ground, construction waste and more. The entire landfill area and the waste found were seized by the carabinieri who informed the judiciary and the administrative authority. The carabinieri’s checks will continue in order to ascertain the presence of any further violations of environmental regulations, a delicate and important sector, to be constantly monitored, in conjunction with the public prosecutor’s office of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, led by Giuseppe Verzera.

Panarea, i carabinieri sequestrano una discarica abusiva nell’isola più chic delle Eolie

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