Police intervene in scooter accident, discover one driver was drug dealing

The mobile section of the Carabinieri in Caltagirone arrested a 19-year-old boy for the possession of drugs with the intent to sell. During a routine patrol, the officers responded to a call reporting a road accident involving two scooters. Upon arriving at the scene, the officers identified the two drivers, one of whom appeared nervous and agitated. They decided to search him and found drugs hidden in a pouch under his sweatshirt. The search also revealed a functional scale and a sum of unexplained cash, which was seized. The young man was taken into custody and the drugs were confiscated for laboratory analysis. He was subsequently taken to the Caltagirone prison, with his arrest being validated by the judge for preliminary investigations.

Mazzarrone, i carabinieri intervengono per un incidente fra scooter e scoprono che uno dei due conducenti spacciava droga

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