Police in Palermo foil scooter theft, apprehend one of two thieves

The police have arrested a man from Palermo caught in the act of aggravated theft and resistance to a public official. The incident took place on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 24, at around 7:30 pm. During a routine patrol, the Mobile Squad officers spotted an individual pushing a black Honda SH motorcycle with functioning audible and visual alarm devices, while riding a white scooter along via Terrasanta in Palermo. Suspecting it was a probable theft, the police approached the two and ordered them to stop, but they immediately fled. The driver of the white scooter managed to escape, while the second suspect threw the presumably stolen scooter to the ground and attempted to flee on foot. However, he was pursued and apprehended after repeatedly striking one of the officers with his helmet. The police were able to identify the owner of the stolen motorcycle and returned it to him. The arrest was confirmed and validated.

Palermo, la polizia sventa il furto di uno scooter e arresta uno dei due ladri

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