Parma-Palermo: Official line-ups with Corini trusting the Di Mariano-Brunori-Di Francesco trio

On the edge of the abyss, Palermo is clinging to Parma, the league leader, with the only resource left: desperation. After seven unwatchable games and a downward spiral that hit rock bottom with Catanzaro, only desperation can wake this team up. With the risk of falling into the relegation zone, the game will be played at Parma’s stadium with no surprises in the chosen lineup by coach Eugenio Corini. The official lineup for both teams is given, with the hope that desperation will bring Palermo back to life before it’s too late.

Parma-Palermo, le formazioni ufficiali: Corini si affida al tridente Di Mariano-Brunori-Di Francesco

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