Parma-Palermo: Expected lineup return of Di Francesco and Stulac

There is no time for experiments. Corini has recovered several players and will be able to field the best possible lineup against Parma. The only absentee will be Pietro Ceccaroni, replaced by Marconi alongside Lucioni. Stulac will play in midfield. In attack, Di Francesco and Insigne return. Pigliacelli will be in goal, with Mateju and Lund in defense. Stulac will be the brain of the team in midfield, with Gomes and Coulibaly. In attack, Brunori, Insigne, and Di Francesco should start. Parma will play in a 4-2-3-1 formation, with Colak leading the attack. Palermo will be looking for redemption after a six-game winless streak. The probable lineups for both teams are included.

Parma-Palermo, le probabili formazioni: tornano i titolarissimi, Di Francesco e Stulac dal primo minuto

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