Parish priest restores faded old signage with marker pen

Explain to me briefly the following article:

“Those who do it themselves, do it for three, and so did Father Giuseppe Cicala, parish priest of Sciara, a fraction of Giarre, who decided to restore the signage indicating the name of the village and the street of the parish. He bought a marker, took a chair, and wrote the names on the old and faded signs.

The work was showcased by the Diocese of Acireale itself, through a post on Facebook. ‘Civic sense and love for one’s community in Sciara, where the priest Father Giuseppe Cicala is personally committed to restoring the signage,’ it says.

The priest has been lamenting a state of general neglect for years. Not only the old and faded signs with repeated warnings for over two years, but also the lack of lighting, the absence of pedestrian crossings in front of the church, and speed deterrences on a street where drivers go at a certain speed.

It is a cry for help from the priest that the community now hopes will be heard by the institutions.”

Sciara, segnaletica vecchia e sbiadita: il parroco la ripristina con un pennarello

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