Pantelleria municipality: Social worker competition requirements and announcement

The Municipality of Pantelleria has announced a public competition for social workers. The selection involves hiring in the officials and high qualification area (former category D, economic position D1). The deadline to submit the application for admission is February 24, 2024.


Candidates must have: Italian citizenship or citizenship of one of the Member States of the European Union, with the exceptions provided by law; age not less than 18 years; no psychophysical limitations to perform the activities and tasks required for the professional profile; enjoyment of civil and political rights; not having been declared unfit for public office or subject to measures that exclude, according to current regulations, the establishment of an employment relationship with the public administration, nor be in any situation of incompatibility; absence of criminal convictions with a final judgment for offenses that entail disqualification from public office or dismissal from previous public employment or impediment to employment with a public administration; not having been dismissed or discharged from employment with a public administration for persistent poor performance, or dismissed for the same reasons or for disciplinary reasons; good knowledge of an official foreign language of one of the Member States of the European Community; good knowledge of the most common computer equipment and applications; B driving license; qualification for the exercise of the profession.

Candidates must have at least one of the following qualifications and specific requirements: diploma in social work issued by schools dedicated to special purposes; or university degree in social work; or three-year degree in social work; or degree belonging to class L39 – degree in social work; or specialist degree in social service sciences belonging to class 57/S; or master’s degree belonging to class LM – 87; qualification for the exercise of the profession.

The application to participate in the selection must be submitted exclusively in telematic mode, by 12:00 on February 24, 2024, through the inPA recruitment portal.

Comune di Pantelleria, concorso per assistente sociale: i requisiti e il bando

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