Palermo’s new commander of the Carabinieri, Magrini: “Mafia not eradicated, do not look away”

The article discusses the change of command at the Carini barracks, the main headquarters of the provincial command of the carabinieri in Palermo. General Luciano Magrini has taken over from General Giuseppe De Liso, who is now leading the Veneto legion. This is Magrini’s first time in Sicily, after serving as a lieutenant and captain commanding a platoon in Rome, Todi, and Policoro. As a colonel, he held positions as commander of the Carabinieri Group in Frascati and provincial commander of the Carabinieri in Brescia, before directing the armored regiment and serving as aide-de-camp to the President of the Republic. Magrini emphasizes the importance of combating the mafia and addressing violence and youth gangs. He also highlights the need for police officers to not only ensure security but also establish a psychological connection with citizens, making them feel safe and comfortable. Magrini expresses confidence in his team and promises to continue the work of his predecessor.

Palermo, il nuovo comandante dei carabinieri Magrini: “Mafia non debellata, non abbassare lo sguardo”

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