Palermo’s network for integrating disabled people into the workforce: “We want to make our contribution”

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A network to promote targeted employment and work integration for people with disabilities. Today, a desk for Equal Opportunities was presented at the Florio-Salamone Institute for the Blind, located in via Prague in Palermo, open to people with disabilities, young people with difficulties, women victims of violence, and migrants. Once their work capabilities are identified, candidates can be placed in the most suitable job.

A network, promoted by the Employment Center of Palermo and Monreale, supported by the technical assistance of Sviluppo Lavoro Italia, in collaboration with the territorial section of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, brings together all stakeholders. And today, all were present at the meeting. Representing the Sicilian Regional Assembly and the Sicilian Region were the deputy of the productive activities commission, Gaspare Vitrano, and the Assessor for Family, Social Policies and Employment, Nuccia Albano.

“This is an initiative of great social relevance – comments Assessor Albano -. the law is there (March 12, 1999, n. 68) and must be applied. Both public and private companies must include people with disabilities in their staff who, with their potential and remaining energies, can have a dignified job because welfare is not enough. Many people with disabilities want to contribute to the common service. As an institution, we must ensure that these laws are enforced.”

Giving greetings to all present is the president of the institute for the blind, Tommaso Di Gesaro, who emphasizes how “targeted placement is one of the most concrete possibilities for the blind and disabled in general to access work. Lately, traditional professions such as switchboard operator or masseur-physiotherapist have been in crisis – Di Geesaro continues – which were also subject to mandatory placement. We must aim for targeted placement where each person, based on their abilities, can be directed to the right job.”

The desk will be active from April 22, at the employment center in via Prague in Palermo, (also reachable remotely), and will offer a support path for identifying skills and choosing job placement. Annalisa Abruzzo, representative of the legal office of the Employment Center of Palermo and Monreale, explains it. “In this way, we offer personalized and individualized responses – explains Annalisa Abruzzo -. The desk, by appointment, will allow the person to come into contact with labor market operators but also with psychologists, cultural mediators, sign language interpreters, and have a service of guidance, profiling, and registration for targeted placement.” During the press conference, informative material in braille was also distributed with all the information on targeted placement for the visually impaired.

The meeting allowed a dialogue between entities, institutions, category associations, companies, firms, and cooperatives. Present were Fabio Casamento, vice president of Confcooperative Palermo; Anna Maria Di Vanni, regional director of Unicoop Sicilia; Antonio Lo Coco, president of the Industrial Union Confcommercio Sicilia; Antonino Alessi, president of the provincial council of Labor Consultants; Marzia Musso, vice president of Ens Palermo; Paolo Paladino and Giusto Arnone from Confartigianato; Antonio Cottone, President of Fipe Palermo, and Nicoletta Cosentino representing Le cuoche combattenti and the cooperative Ciauli AgriCoop.

In the video, Assessor Nuccia Albano, Uici President Tommaso Di Gesaro, and Annalisa Abruzzo from the Employment Center are featured.

Palermo, una rete per collocare le persone disabili nel mondo del lavoro: «Vogliamo dare il nostro contributo»

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