Palermo’s municipal police enters schools with road safety education courses

The municipal police of Palermo will be entering schools again this year with road safety courses. The courses will start from primary school children up to high school students. The objective is to promote a culture of life and respect for rules for civil coexistence. The course calendar was presented to the public this morning at the Ex Real Fonderia alla Cala, with courses planned in over 20 schools throughout the school year. There will also be seminars in high schools on articles 186 and 187, with the participation of experts such as a psychologist, a doctor, and a criminal lawyer who will talk about road homicide. The courses in schools will be sponsored by the Procurator of the Republic for Minors in Palermo, Claudia Caramanna. Education on road safety is crucial as young people need to learn to behave responsibly on the road where there are many dangers and often serious consequences. The municipal police will be present in schools along with other departments such as the canine unit, mounted police, and accident specialists. The increase in road casualties is not just due to a lack of control but also poor use of vehicles. This is why education must start in schools to create awareness of transportation use.

Palermo, la polizia municipale entra nelle scuole con i corsi di educazione stradale

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