Palermo’s Lagalla plants first roses at Monte Pellegrino: “Symbol of rebirth”

Art and tradition blend together on the second day of “acchianata,” serving as a bridge to the “Rosalia Year” in 2024, as defined by Palermo Mayor Roberto Lagalla. The “acchianata delle Rosalie,” organized by Le Baccanti cooperative, guided faithful and visitors along a route to the sanctuary of the Santuzza, featuring music, theatrical performances, and dances. 13 performances were presented by over 40 artists in 4 locations along the 4-kilometer path that is annually crowded with Palermitani. The event began with the mayor planting a rose bush in honor of the Patron Saint, symbolizing rebirth after the fires that ravaged the city, including the promontory where Rosalia’s remains were found nearly 400 years ago. The mayor stated that the event merges faith, religiosity, and a strong secular tradition that identifies with the city. The rose planting marks the beginning of the Rosalia Year in 2024 and the presence of artists provokes moments of reflection in conjunction with devotion.

Palermo, Lagalla pianta le prime rose a Monte Pellegrino: “Simbolo di rinascita”

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