Palermo’s former Alberto Amedeo football field could become a parking lot, owners blame bureaucracy

The article discusses a 5,200 square meter plot of land in the historic center of Palermo, Italy, which was formerly a football field rented by the Alberto Amedeo football club. The owners of the land, the Ravetto family, want to transform it into a parking area, but have faced obstacles from the local bureaucracy. The previous administration showed no interest in the project, but the current administration is more open to finding a solution. The owners argue that there are no hydraulic or geological risks on the land, contrary to what the bureaucracy claims. In the past, the land was earmarked for expropriation for a subway station parking project, but that plan was abandoned. The Ravetto family is now requesting the support of the mayor and city council to overcome the bureaucratic obstacles and proceed with their parking project. The city councilor expressed willingness to meet with the owners and assess the feasibility of the project.

Palermo, l’ex campo di calcio dell’Alberto Amedeo potrebbe diventare parcheggio: ma i proprietari accusano la burocrazia

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