Palermo’s Celesia crime: PM requests six years in prison
Six years of imprisonment and a €6,000 fine is the request of public prosecutor Vittorio Coppola against G.O., 23 years old, the older of the two brothers arrested for the murder of Lino Celesia, the former footballer killed in the bathroom of the Notr3 nightclub in via Pasquale Calvi, Palermo. The trial with the abbreviated procedure opened yesterday before judge Elisabetta Stampacchia: the young man – assisted by lawyer Vanila Amoroso like the other suspect – must answer for the possession and carrying of the gun that, on December 21st, allegedly killed the twenty-two year old from Cep. For the defense, however, the young man must be acquitted because the fact does not exist: the next hearing is scheduled for July 2nd when the prosecution’s response is expected and then the conclusions.
M., 17 years old, confessed to firing the fatal shots: he allegedly admitted to being the one who pulled the trigger and threw the gun in the sea, thus exonerating his brother who had always claimed to have fallen to the ground stunned in the phases before the crime at the end of a scuffle with the former footballer, having bought the blank gun from someone via Telegram.
A complete service by Fabio Geraci in today’s edition of the Palermo edition of the Giornale di Sicilia on newsstands.
Delitto Celesia a Palermo, la richiesta del pm: «Sei anni di carcere»
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