Palermo: Workplace safety explained to children and teens – “Prevention is the solution”

The banner reads “Prevention is the solution”. It welcomes hundreds of children and teenagers from different schools who invaded the cultural sites of Zisa this morning (April 30), which turned into mini construction sites and play spaces where they can learn the correct rules and models of prevention in the workplace. Palermo also mobilizes on the World Day dedicated to safety and health at work: the initiative organized by the regional health department aims to raise public awareness of the need to adopt all necessary prevention measures to protect workers.

“The prevention – said Giovanna Volo, regional health assessor – is a condition to be lived in serenity and must be a habit of life, just as wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle. Prevention is also made by individual protection systems – she continued – for example, those used during the pandemic. But crucial is the involvement of schools thanks to the alliance with young people we can educate about safety.”

For Salvatore Requirez, general manager of Dasoe, “the ethical value of work is missing, within which we must be able to insert the theme of safety. The news – he highlighted – tells us that the number of deaths at work is double compared to those in road accidents. Unacceptable numbers. Companies must understand the importance of investments in safety and on this front, training is fundamental and has a cost, but never as much as compensation in cases of death.”

What caught the children’s attention the most was a video game: “An idea from our national secretariat – explains Ignazio Baudo, Uil Sicilia – that wanted to tackle the problem through a simpler and more direct language, closer to the younger generations: it has been a great success”. Inside this citadel of safety, Confartigianato was also present, along with representatives of the Construction category and Edilcassa, with a stand to welcome the school groups present at the event, illustrating in a fun way the importance of safety devices on construction sites.

“Prevention is the solution – reaffirms Daniele La Porta, president of Confartigianato Sicilia – Confartigianato continues to invest in safety at work, we must be especially careful as small and medium-sized enterprises that work closely with builders every day.”

Speaking are Giovanna Volo, regional health assessor for Sicily, Ignazio Baudo, Uil Sicilia, Daniele La Porta, president of Confartigianato Sicilia, and Matteo Pezzino, president of Anaepa Sicily.

Palermo, la sicurezza sul lavoro spiegata a bambini e ragazzi: «La prevenzione è la soluzione»

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