Palermo, Unfaithful Judicial Administrator: Police Seize Money from His Heir

An unfaithful judicial administrator allegedly embezzled money from the bank accounts of Rosario Gambino and Salvatore Inzerillo, which he managed on behalf of the court. The State Police of Palermo seized nearly 800 thousand euros on the order of the prevention measures section, against the administrator’s heir, who died in 2018. The administrator, who had not filed a final report, had been under investigation for making unauthorized withdrawals totaling 621 thousand euros from confiscated accounts between 2005 and 2008. Investigations found that the stolen money was invested in a winery in Agrigento. The administrator transferred the shares to the heir, while remaining the administrator of the company until his death. The heir sold part of the company for 928 thousand euros, prompting the seizure of 779 thousand euros from the sale. The questore of Palermo, Leopoldo Laricchia, stated that this seizure is a successful result of monitoring mafia assets, which should continue to ensure confiscated assets are used for the benefit of the community.

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