Palermo, two businesses exempt from city tax: Tosap not due at former Chemical Arenella.

The article discusses a recent court ruling in Palermo regarding unjustified taxes imposed on two businesses operating within the former Chimica Arenella complex. The Court of Tax Justice of Sicily canceled six tax assessment notices issued by the Municipality, totaling over 410,000 euros, as it was deemed that the tax on the property was not due. The taxpayers argued that the property was not part of the Municipality’s unavailable assets and that there was no actual diversion of assets from public use. The court agreed with the taxpayers’ arguments, stating that the notices were based on incorrect information regarding the property’s status within the Municipality’s assets. The court also highlighted that the area did not possess characteristics typical of a public asset.

Palermo, annullati avvisi di accertamento del Comune per due imprese: all’ex Chimica Arenella la Tosap non è dovuta

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