Palermo trapped in traffic chaos: Works and accidents from Viale Regione to Via Crispi.

The city of Palermo in Italy is once again suffering from heavy traffic. Ongoing road works, sudden construction sites, accidents, and more are causing motorists to become hostages in their vehicles. There are long queues in two areas in particular on the main road, viale Regione Siciliana, towards Catania. Two lorries collided near via Belgio, leading to further congestion on the Corleone bridge, where ongoing reconstruction work has reduced the road width. As a result, it now takes hours to travel just a few kilometers. The situation is not any better on via Crispi, close to the port, where construction of the underpass at piazza XIII vittime began this week. Additionally, this morning a pipe burst near piazza Borsellino, turning the road into a river. With narrow lanes and cars congested in single file, the traffic situation is chaotic. Many have suggested suspending the Ztl (limited traffic zone) in via Roma to ease the situation, but as of now, the municipality has not issued any such order.

Palermo prigioniera del traffico tra lavori e incidenti: da viale Regione a via Crispi auto in trappola

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