Palermo: Tony Colombo sings illegally with Gigi D’Alessio, facing administrative sanctions

The State Police has issued an administrative penalty to both the organizer of Gigi D’Alessio’s concert and the Palermo neomelodic singer Tony Colombo for their unauthorized performance last Wednesday at the Teatro di Verdura in Palermo. During the concert, Tony Colombo joined Gigi D’Alessio on stage and performed together on several musical tracks. The police stated that this behavior constitutes an unauthorized vocal performance not approved by the public security authority, as it was not included in the official concert program. As a result, both Tony Colombo and the event organizer have been fined, with the police deeming the performance as illegal. The Palermo singer has shared photos and a video of the evening on his Facebook page.

Palermo, Tony Colombo canta assieme a Gigi D’Alessio abusivamente: arrivano le sanzioni amministrative

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