Palermo Sprint Triathlon and Paratriathlon: Bus routes changing

To allow for the sporting event Triathlon Sprint and Paratriathlon, on Sunday, May 12th, the carriageway on the mountain side of Piazza Valdesi will be closed to vehicular traffic and a two-way traffic will be instituted on the other side of the same square. From 7:30 am to 4 pm, the following streets will be closed to vehicular traffic: Viale Regina Elena, between Piazza Valdesi and via Teti (excluded); Piazza Valdesi; Viale Margherita Di Savoia, semi-carriageway on the mountain side between Piazza Valdesi and via Mater Dolorosa; Viale Delle Palme, between via Principessa Jolanda and Viale Margherita di Savoia; Parco della Favorita, from 12:10 am to 3:30 pm, Viale Ercole and Viale Diana will be closed. On Sunday, May 12th, and throughout the event, bus lines 806 and 544 will not reach Mondello, making the last useful stop in Viale Venere to reach the seaside resort. Consequently, bus lines 544, 603, 614, 616, 645, and 806 will change their routes as specified below.

Palermo, la gara di Triathlon Sprint e Paratriathlon: cambiano i percorsi degli autobus

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