Palermo shooting on Via La Lumia: investigation closed, trial approaching for three suspects

The trial for the three main protagonists of the brawl between Isidoro La Lumia and Quintino Sella streets, in the center of Palermo, which culminated in a shooting that caused panic among the customers of the numerous pubs in the area, is approaching. The Palermo prosecutor’s office has closed the investigation and is preparing to request a trial pending the setting of the date for the preliminary hearing.

Investigators had immediately identified the gunman who fired six shots into the air on December 10 last year at the height of the brawl on Isidoro La Lumia street. Three days later they went to arrest him in Brancaccio, but he had disappeared, climbing over a gate and onto the roofs of some homes and warehouses. Marco Cucina, 30 years old, with a criminal record and several previous convictions, had been evading arrest for two months, but in the end, the carabinieri of the Piazza Verdi company had arrested him along with Salvatore Emanuele, 27, who was placed under house arrest, while Salvatore Miceli, 21, with no previous convictions, was ordered to reside at a certain location and report to the police station every day.

They all face charges of aggravated brawl, with Cucina also being accused of illegally carrying a firearm in public. The investigation had started from a video taken from a balcony, but the identities of the three suspects were confirmed thanks to footage from cameras installed between Via La Lumia and Via Quintino Sella, testimonies from bar owners, and by analyzing their profiles on social networks.

Palermo, la sparatoria in via La Lumia: chiuse le indagini, si avvicina il processo per i tre sotto accusa

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