Palermo schools take center stage during commemorations of the Capaci massacre: here is the program

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Defending the Constitution and building an alliance between classrooms (school classroom and courtroom) to fight the mafia every day. This will be the guiding thread of the initiatives organized by the anti-mafia culture network in schools in memory of the Capaci massacre.

The initiatives will culminate on May 23 in front of the Palermo Court, where, together with the National Association of Magistrates and the Bar Association, the memory of the human chain that crossed Palermo in 1992 will be renewed.

In Piazza Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, starting at 9.30 am, students from the 56 schools that have joined the event will perform songs, poetry readings, theatrical performances, and artistic performances. At 11.45 am, in Piazza della Memoria, a delegation of students, teachers, and school principals will participate in the solemn moment of remembrance of Giovanni Falcone, Francesca Morvillo, and the men of the escort organized by the magistrates and lawyers of Palermo in ceremonial dress.

Following this, at 12pm, the human chain will start, in a symbolic embrace between the world of schools and justice, surrounding the Palermo Court while singing the national anthem. On May 22 and 23, another 33 schools belonging to the Anti-Mafia Culture Network will organize commemorative initiatives independently. Schools from various neighborhoods in Palermo will be involved: from Cruillas to Borgo Nuovo; from Cep to Zen alla Noce; from Malaspina to Zisa; from San Lorenzo to Tommaso Natale, and also schools from different municipalities in Sicily: from Corleone to Modica; from Termini Imerese to Bagheria, from Trapani to Capaci. The details of the initiatives will be announced tomorrow.

Among the many initiatives, a dodgeball tournament will be held on Wednesday, May 22 at 8.30am at the PalaOreto and will involve 400 fourth and fifth grade children from the schools Margherita Hack, Cruillas, Nazario Sauro, Pirandello-Borgo Ulivia, De Amicis-Leonardo da Vinci, Giuseppe Scelsa, Gabelli.

The three-day event will be opened on Tuesday, May 21 at 9.30 am by a conference, in a seminar format, which will be held at the Pio La Torre Higher Institute (via Nina Siciliana, 22) entitled: “Fight against the mafia: implementation of the Constitution and the role of the Judiciary”. The meeting, after the greetings of Daniela Crimi, will be introduced by Giusto Catania, headmaster of the Giuliana Saladino school, leader of the Anti-Mafia Culture Network, and will feature the speeches of four prestigious magistrates who have made history in the fight against the mafia in the country: Leonardo Agueci, former deputy prosecutor in Palermo; Giuseppe Di Lello, magistrate of the anti-mafia pool; Franca Imbergamo of the national anti-mafia Directorate; Gioacchino Scaduto, former examining magistrate.

Palermo, le scuole in primo piano nei giorni delle commemorazioni della strage di Capaci: ecco il programma

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