Palermo renews tradition of Bread of Saint Anthony: distributed in prisons and hospitals

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As tradition dictates, on the day of Saint Anthony faithful and volunteers distribute bread in hospitals and prisons in Palermo. Around fifty people gathered this morning (June 13) at the church of Saint Anthony of Padua on via Oreto, just a few steps from the central station, preparing bags in the sacristy.

At 9 am they set off: after forming groups, the faithful headed to the city’s hospitals including the Children’s Hospital, the Paolo Giaccone Polyclinic and the Civico, while a delegation went to the Ucciardone penitentiary.

“Where does the tradition come from? From a miracle – explains Rosa Cusimano, Franciscan tertiary and one of the coordinators of the initiative -: a child fell into a boiling pot, the mother prayed to Saint Anthony, promising that if the child survived she would offer as much wheat as the child’s weight. The child healed – Cusimano continues – and from that moment the tradition was born”.

The bread is brought by the faithful and by the bakeries in the city that join in this work every year, and before it is divided and distributed it is blessed. “Bread is a symbol of community, solidarity – continues the Franciscan tertiary – this year we have about six thousand rolls in addition to the bread brought by parishioners, for promises or small acts of kindness.”

A Palermo si rinnova la tradizione del Pane di Sant’Antonio: distribuito in carcere e negli ospedali

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