Palermo ravaged by potholes: tale of neglect, limited funds, and slow contracts

The article discusses the tragic death of a man named Samuele Fuschi, who died after falling into a sinkhole that opened up in the middle of a road. The incident sheds light on the dangerous condition of the city streets, which are riddled with potholes and pose a constant threat to pedestrians and motorcyclists. The city government has been criticized for its slow response to the issue, with some attributing the lack of maintenance to financial problems and budget constraints. Efforts to address the problem have been made, but many feel that more needs to be done to prevent further accidents and damage. Additionally, the article highlights the financial burden that the city faces due to lawsuits related to road accidents, further emphasizing the urgency of addressing the issue.

Palermo preda delle buche: storia di abbandono, pochi soldi e appalti lenti

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