Palermo: Police patrol attacked by three Daspo Willy

The police chief of Palermo issued three Daspo Willy measures (ban on access to public establishments and entertainment venues) against a 31-year-old man and two 25-year-olds, held responsible, in collaboration with each other, for serious misconduct that disrupted public order and safety on November 25th in via dei Chiavettieri, one of the hottest areas of the Palermo nightlife. The three were involved in a violent attack on a municipal police patrol, targeted with insults, threats, and violence with glass bottles, resulting in injuries. Investigations allowed to reconstruct the various stages of the attack and to identify and report the three individuals. The measures, issued after investigations by the Anticrime Division of the police headquarters, aim to prevent disorder in the most popular places of the Palermo nightlife. The preventive measure, lasting two years in total, prohibits two of the suspects from accessing and staying in the immediate vicinity of entertainment venues or public establishments throughout the province of Palermo, especially in the areas affected by the nightlife and adjacent to the scene of the attack. Additionally, for both, there is a ban from 6pm to 5am of the following day, every day of the week including holidays, in the vicinity of the listed public venues. As for the third suspect (the 31-year-old), for whom custody in prison was ordered, a similar preventive measure was provided for a period of three years, starting from the date of the end of the detention measure.

Palermo, aggredirono una pattuglia della polizia municipale: tre Daspo Willy

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