Palermo pizzeria break-in thwarted by alarm, thief arrested by carabinieri

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Thieves and vandals in action in Palermo in the night between Wednesday and yesterday, Thursday, May 16. A pizzeria and a school were targeted.

In the first case, the raid took place in a restaurant near Villa Tasca. Specifically, it is the Pulcinella pizzeria on via Falvetto, in the area of via Santissima Mediatrice, which was broken into. A 40-year-old man, after breaking the shutter, smashed the entrance glass. But at that moment the alarm went off and the carabinieri arrived on the scene in a few minutes, catching the thief in the act with the money he had just taken from the cash register. He was arrested on charges of aggravated theft.

The vandals, on the other hand, once again targeted the Danilo Dolci language high school on via Natale Carta, in Brancaccio, carrying out a raid identical to the one that had already been organized a few weeks earlier. Essentially, they entered by forcing the basement door and damaging the unused computers that were stored in one of the rooms, ready to be disposed of because they were no longer in use. In addition, they forced open a shed door at the school where some tools were stored, but nothing was stolen.

On May 7, a similar incident had already occurred. The vandals, on that occasion, once they left the premises, took the unused computers and presumably destroyed them with bats, leaving the pieces in the nearby soccer field.

Palermo, furto con spaccata in pizzeria: ma scatta l’allarme, passano i carabinieri e arrestano il ladro

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