Palermo, Mondello mourns teacher Michele Lo Monaco: “A piece of our neighborhood’s history”

Mondello is in tears for the death of Michele Lo Monaco, known to everyone as “the professor”. He was a true reference point for the entire neighborhood, as he was the historic organizer of the swim across the Gulf of Mondello, an event in which he personally participated among the athletes. He had been a sports manager and had always been respected by everyone. The news has spread across social media and messages for Lo Monaco are already pouring in. There are also messages from regional councilor Edy Tamajo and the local amateur football team, all expressing their deep sadness and appreciation for Lo Monaco. His passing is mourned as the loss of a true gentleman and a significant piece of Mondello’s history. He is remembered as a charismatic, intelligent, and great athlete who will leave an indelible mark on the community.

Palermo, Mondello piange il professore Michele Lo Monaco: «Un pezzo di storia della nostra borgata»

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