Palermo, Mignani: “South Tyrol decisive game, ours is a mental block”

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“The problem of Palermo is not physical, but mental. We need to unlock ourselves quickly, and we need to do it against Südtirol, because it is a decisive match to maintain sixth place.”

This is not the first time that Palermo’s coach, Michele Mignani, has emphasized the mental block to explain the not-so-exciting performances of the rosanero in the last period, with Eugenio Corini before and him after. Now the playoffs are safe, but Sampdoria and Brescia can still overtake Palermo, which could even collapse to eighth place. It would be a drama in view of the knockout phase, and Mignani knows it.

“In the game against Ascoli, we recorded the highest physical values. We made many mistakes, it is not an athletic problem. Choices start from the mind, it is not even a tactical issue. The results of the others are looked at in the end, we cannot scatter energies. We must play a bold and strong game, a victory would give us morale – says Mignani – We have lost many points from a winning position. It is a discussion that starts more from the mind because it has been a problem that has lasted all season. If there is continuity, it means it is more of a mental problem. Südtirol is a strong team, defends well and with many players. They will be mentally free and will want to make a good impression with the fans.”

Mignani also speaks about the lineup: “The suspended players? We need to be smart in managing them but we cannot afford not to let them play. Di Mariano and Vasic are not available. Desplanches did well, Pigliacelli reacted very well. Gomes and Ceccaroni have nothing serious, we have a day to evaluate. We do not want to take risks to compromise the continuation.” Mignani also concluded on the fans’ protest: “We would like to have them on our side, it is obvious: we are working towards this, but we cannot force them to clap.”

Palermo, Mignani: «Südtirol partita decisiva, il nostro è un blocco mentale»

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